Why do you procrastinate?
The results of procrastination are sometimes more that a little bothersome. The person who put off making healthy food and drink choices until tomorrow may develop health issues because that tomorrow never comes. Some remain in a stagnant business that inevitably makes them unhappy because they postpone going to networking events. So, years later, they are overweight, business failing and never saved for that "rainy day," Now depression sets in.

You may have things that happened in your life because you failed to follow through or keep your attention on a task? Of course negative consequences don't happen because it was your intention to be neglectful. I don't think many of us hope to create negative life experiences on purpose.
Many things happen because of the insidious nature of procrastination. It tricks you into believing whatever you put off until later will, 1) get done at some point; and 2) it really no big deal. If you subscribe to either, this mindset will inevitably encourage you to procrastinate.
I often think about all the things I want to do, My conscious self may want to do many things. I have a vivid imagination and I am a creative who is awesome at visualizing my dream reality. There are spaces in my life when I have made a conscious decision to work toward achieving my goals. Unfortunately, there are many more spaces where my plans are delayed or deleted because I procrastinate every step of the way. Delay, put-off, wait until later, not now...all me.
I have probably used every tactic available to do everything but what I was planning to do. There are times when I didn't get started because I was waiting for the right space, the right mood, or the right time. At the time, my reasons sound and feel legitimate. It doesn't feel like procrastination. Here are a few self-talk lines, I'll let you be the judge:
These are just a few examples of how my brain (and yours too,) can convince you that putting things off isn't so bad. In fact, if you are like me, you can talk yourself into believing putting things off can be what's best at the time. Although there may be times when waiting for the right time can be beneficial, equally as true is also leads to bad experiences.
I learned over time, one way to keep our brain from embracing procrastination is to get another brain involved.
The inspiration partnership
They say two brains are better than one. I believe that is true if it is the right person. The mutually beneficial motivational partnership can be life-changing for both parties. Collaborating with someone, often call an accountability partner, who is also trying to fight off procrastination in order to get things done is a great idea. The two of you can support, set boundaries, and challenge each other's habits.
I have an accountability partner and I participate in several productivity boosting partnerships. I consider members a part of my team, and I am equally as important member of their team. We show up for each other. We are present and ready to process root causes...and solutions. We meet regularly to discuss intentions and goals, and the barriers in the way of achievement outcomes.
Think about for a moment how impactful social circles are to our lives. Think about those you belong to a church, mosque, synagogue or spiritual center. What binds them together? Their values, belief system, and norms are usually an integral part of their social circles. They often have similar likes, dislikes, and shared values. For this reason, they have prayer lines, study groups, and other functions that create support, affection, and collective accountability.

Social partnerships go beyond spiritual needs. The popularity of social media platforms demonstrate how important connection and sharing is important to most people. Let's look at the number of Facebook users in the world for example. There are 2.989 billion monthly active users: (April 2023); There are 2.037 billion people who use Facebook each day: (April 2023) Share of Facebook's monthly active users who log in each day: 68% (April 2023.) Also according to Data Portal, the total number of people that use Facebook each month increased by roughly 26 million in the three months leading up to April 2023. These latest figures indicate that roughly 37.2% of all the people on Earth use Facebook today. Wow!
Thinking about my own Facebook friends, there are many on the platform who look for advice, feedback and confirmation of shared experiences. Many people on social media platforms seek out other people with the same (or similar) ideals, values, beliefs, intentions, and goals. Some people peruse social media to relief stress. It's often a way to escape with like-minded people. Others may like to indulge on funny cat videos. Either way, Facebook and their pages and groups are homes to pockets of people with shared interests.
Now, how can this type of online socialization benefit us on our journey to prevent procrastination?
What would it be like for you to have a group of people who too on their perspective journeys to becoming more productive? What if you could get support from other women who are trying to figure out how to get things done? You want to do what matters, first, and so I do I. There are so many more who want to join us on the mission.
Let's do it together.
If you are having a hard time getting things done, an accountability partner may be a good option. If you set goals but blow past your milestones or have a difficult time meeting the objectives, keep reading for a possible solution.
An accountability partner is a person you trust to help you follow through with a commitment or goal. This person holds you accountable for the actions, behaviors and habits that can influence your progress toward reaching your goal.
An accountability partner can help you stay on track for the goals and commitments you make to yourself. They can help you with discipline and motivation when you’re distracted or have fallen off-course. If you are interested, may invite you to join me on a webinar to learn more?
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