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ReWriting Your Story

How stop negative stories from defining your life.

Breaking the cycle of the stories we tell ourselves webinar






Andrea Callahan, author, speaker, trainer, small business owner and sister.

I am looking forward to our time together.






About 1 Hour

About this event

Why Stories Matter

What does “rewrite your story” really mean? Rewriting your story at the core is about shifting your perspective. It's about questioning your interpretations of life events. It's about growth. Narratives formed when we were young may not serve us well as adults because they were originally interpreted from narrow perspectives. For this reason, as adults, we must take time to reevaluate what we tell ourselves about our experiences.

What we'll cover:

Why stories matter
Personal narratives
A narrative authored by others
Narratives authored by me
Stories vs Truth
What does "rewrite your story" really mean?

Rewriting your story IS NOT about pretending things didn't happen. It's not about denying your feelings or emotional connection to events. Rewriting your story is not about negating your experiences or measuring the difficulty to cope.

Rewriting your story IS about the courage to reframe your ideas. It's about taking responsibility and an active role in understanding your memories through adulthood lenses. As with most things in life, rewriting your story is a choice, you decide if you want to own your narrative. The intention is to help you on your journey of emotional development and growth.

Rewriting your story can help you let go of negativity and allow you to take responsibility for your own life, which in turn will help free you from anger and bitterness. We can change our perspective and shape our stories. We have power to choose new stories to live by. You can decide today.


Our time together on this webinar will get you started thinking about rewriting your story. Doing so will allow you the space to move beyond old fears, judgments (of yourself or others), and resentment; and:

Recognize that you're telling yourself a story
Question that story
Construct a new story, and
Practice telling your new story

Stories have power in our lives. They influence our perceptions. We are shaped by our stories. We live by stories. And yet ultimately, we have power over our stories.

Webinar host

Andrea Callahan, author, speaker, trainer, small business owner and sister.

Andrea Callahan

Join me for this webinar to walk with us on the journey to emotional healing and mental health. Together, we will move from a stuck, negative, blaming position to one of power, peace and joy.

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