Empowering habit: Reading for personal development

Empowering Habit: Reading

for personal growth and development

4.8 based on 1000+ reviews

Books stimulate the functioning of your brain in such as way that you get more clarity about the world and about yourself. When you are clear about yourself, it definitely lead to the higher purpose of self attainment - which leads to intentional and purposeful living.

This is the most straightforward benefit of reading. The more you read, the more new words you will learn. As you expand your vocabulary, you build confidence to express your thoughts and emotions.

Empowering Habits Collection

"I love reading! I used to read all the time as a child. I am working my way through  the members only read list and learning a lot."

Felicity F. London, UK

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Reading Opens Your Mind

Reading allows you to hear stories and concepts from around the world, it is a gateway through which we can experience life as a citizen of the world. It helps you see things from the perspective of the writer and so it opens your mind to the possibilities. Making you more accepting and opening your mind to change. The experience of looking at life from someone else’s perspective has changed many lives,  saved many as well. It also builds our empathy muscle.

Reading is a humbling experience as it allows you to look at life in the unique perspective of another person, enough of it turns you into a humanitarian. Empathy grows as you understand and feel the pain and suffering of others on a deeper level.

The  avid reader lives a very satisfying life, she is not just aware and intelligent, she is sensitive to change and is a better communicator than someone who has lived life ignorant of reading.

You can be born with amazing intellect yet amount to nothing because you don’t have the necessary skills you require to make it in the particular field you wish to be successful in.
Reading and learning hand you tools and the experience you need to make it. It gives you an edge over other people because you don’t have to repeat the same mistakes people in the same field have made before.
It gives you solutions and allows to come to the table with more information and hence increases your success rate. Turning you from ordinary to extraordinary.

Need more information, read more to do a deeper dive. 🙂

No Loneliness in Reading

I can bet you that almost every problem you face has a solution that’s been documented somewhere in the world. Reading is an extremely liberating experience, you can solve basically any problem if you can find the right literature on it.  If you find a completely unique problem, you can read up on the previous attempts that have been made by people to solve it and get insight on that. Every problem has a solution, and its all documented, all you have to do is pick up and read it.

Reading has many other benefits as well:

Reduce stress
Improve sleep
Improve cognitive functions - memory, attention, focus
Regulate emotions
Reduce negative self-talk

Reading doesn’t just enhance your vocabulary, it teaches you the basics of how a good human being should behave, it makes you more cultured and turns you into a an intellectual person, even if all you do is read fiction novels. Reading allows up the opportunity to experience life through the experience of others.

"I love fiction because the main character always has conflicts and problems to solve. I often get lessons from reading.."

woman learning how to mindfulness meditation.

Felicia W. Chicago, IL

Reading Allows You to Dream

Books basically are dreams and thoughts. Reading allows your imagination soar. They open your mind to hopes and possibilities, the kinds you hadn’t dared think of before you started reading. Books inspire people to become better versions of themselves, by letting you hear the stories and experiences of the people of the world.

Books are an outlet and sometimes they help you escape from the circumstances of our life.

Reading can take you anywhere in the world , whenever you're ready to explore and gorw.

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Reading for Your Personal Growth

4.8 based on 1000+ reviews

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Order today for FREE. Our intention is to pay it forward to help women boost their imagination, become a global citizen, and learn from others thereby expanding your empathy and tolerance. Learning is a way to expand your personal growth. You work hard, your life gets complicated, and you need support. Here we are...inviting you on this journey to peace. You deserve it. You deserve every bit of joy in your life.

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"I tried it and it worked. Reading does take me away. It helps me escape and relieve stress."

Destiny W. Birmingham, AL

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Accepting Your Present: Self-Love in Times of Transition

Accepting Your Present: Self-Love in Times of Transition



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In this moment, suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind, approaching our experience with warmth and love.
