Mindset Defined
Mindset: the combination of your beliefs, feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck defines two kinds of mindsets - fixed and growth.
Let's explore...
Fixed Mindset
People with fixed mindsets believe that traits like natural abilities or intelligence are fixed throughout your whole life. If this is true, it may mean that you rely entirely on your innate abilities to achieve. It would mean that success for example, would take very little or no effort on your part.
Fixed mindset subscribers believe some traits are inherently stable and unchangeable over time. For example...
People who rely on this mindset usually avoid facing challenges because they do not believe they can improve their natural abilities. They believe in the saying, "it is what it is." They further believe we are all born with a certain level of ability -or special skills - and we are unlikely to improve our level of abilities over time.
What does this look like in real life? If you weren't good at math as a child, you may be less confident in managing and investing your money as an adult. We also assume people who are good in math are good stewards with their finances and are fiscally responsible. Do you think this is true? 🤔 IDK. I have a cousin who tutored my kids in algebra yet his finances were a mess. It seems reasonable that your ability to earn, budget, save, and invest money are based on many variables. Education, experience, values, and socioeconomic level, all impact your relationship with money.
Growth Mindset
A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time. They believe that you can improve your life through effort and learning. People who subscribe to the growth mindset understand that not knowing something or not being good at something is a temporary state. Growth mindset believers aren't reluctant to try and explore new things. Further, they generally don't feel the need to fake like they are smart. Growth mindset subscribers understand their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, learning, and persistence.
A growth mindset recognizes that setbacks are a necessary part of the learning. In fact, the development process allows people to "bounce back" by increasing their effort. They believe in inspiration and motivation as factors to help them get closer to achieving what they want in life.
A growth mindset appears to be linked to higher motivation and error correction. It is also associated with lower activation in response to negative feedback.
Is Life All About the Mindset?
How often do you think about your need to grow before you're able to achieve a challenging goal? Do you think about the areas of your life that need improvement in order to reach success? How confident are you that you already possess the qualities to get what you want in life? Do you believe that you are capable of personal achievement and professional success? Do you know that you are worthy of success?
How are you feeling as you think about the above questions. Your thoughts, feelings, triggers and experiences all have one thing in common;
They all are elements that make up your mindset.
It's the perception of yourself that influence your answers. Your confidence, self-esteem, and your feelings of worthiness. Also included in your mindset are your limiting beliefs and your attitude. They both impact what goals you set and how you go about achieving them, or not.
So, let's talk about the mindset and its' role in your personal achievement, professional success, and joyful life - which impact. the success of your business.
Which mindset is best mirrors yours?
The Difference

"I'm not good enough, I can't do this."

"I did my best. I am worthy."
Note: One does not adopt just one type of mindset when it comes to everything. People tend to display both fixed and growth mindsets depending on where they are in life, their habits, options, and what else may be experiencing.
Now, let's go back and rethink those questions that I asked at the start of the article. Remember, a person who does not believe they possess the needed qualities to tackle a challenging goal will most likely hold a fixed mindset. Alternatively, someone who answered they are willing to improve and could do better probably has a growth mindset.
Why should you care? A mindset impacts your daily decisions, your habits, your life, and your business.
What it means to get what you want...
Mindset & Achievement
Life is a string of experiences
At the core, life is but a string of experiences, failures, and achievements. Lessons come with everything you do, we can't control that. However, it's an option how you interpret the lessons. Successful business owners use failures and achievements as opportunities for mindfulness, seek awareness and grow...and do so from a place of patience and self-love. Be kind to yourself. Practice self-empathy and self-compassion because you are worthy.
Here's where your mindset makes the difference. Let's look at the process.
I had a client, Joanne who met a friend, Liz, while working in a bakery. They worked side-by-side for years complaining about the work conditions, the pay, and their dissatisfaction with the status quo. Joanne felt stifled. Her creativity was limited as the owner was not willing to explore new recipes. Joanne was stuck. I don't think she believed she had options. Until one day a customer asked Joanne if she could design a custom cake for her wedding. Joanne replied no because the bakery did not offer personalized goods.
However, Liz stepped in and said she would do it. She gave the woman her personal number and agreed to talk after work. Liz not only designed that wedding cake but over the course of couple of years, she designed almost twenty! Referrals were coming in consistently so she began to charge more for her cakes. Liz stepped out on faith, with confidence in her abilities and began designing wedding cakes, full-time.
It had not occurred to Joanne that she could build a business designing cakes in her own business. She had not considered being a consultant, or business owner. She simply wasn't aware those options were available for here, that is why she initially declined the offer. It took Joanne another five years to explore the idea of doing something different. She looked for a "cake designing" position at other bakeries. She even asked her current boss to consider offering the service.
You see Joanne didn't believe she could start a business. She had not been a consultant before. She didn't know where to start and didn't think she could do it on her own. Joanne, for several more years, chose inaction. She noticed Liz was building a brand. She was successful and appeared happy. Liz not only had more control of her finances and time, she also experienced more fulfillment and joy in her life. Joanne decided she wanted some of that joy, so she hired my agency to launch her brand.

Your mindset is the leading piece in the puzzle of your life.
Your Personal Idea Of success
Think about your achievements, how has your mindset contributed to you getting what you want in life? How is your mindset linked to your success?
As a reminder, success is personal. Your personal success can only be defined by you. In your life, success may look like caring for a family, being a mom or wife. Or it may be leaving a Fortune 500 career to start your own business or being a full-time creative.
Either way, achieving your goals, and obtaining success in greatly influenced by the way you perceive things, how you experience them and what you think about them - your mindset.
Let's talk about it...share you thoughts in the comments below. How do you define success in your life and business?
Understand who you are, Intrinsically - inside-out.
Be brave. Explore.
Know that you are worthy. You are valuable. You matter.

Building your mindset muscle may take more work for you than others, and that's ok. You may tend to be pessimistic or doubtful about your abilities but you have the right to change the way you think. You mindset is influenced by your thoughts and feelings. Learn to trust yourself. Believe that you are capable of making the best decisions for yourself. Challenge your negative beliefs. Second guess doubt. Learn how to manage unreasonable anxiety. Be intentional and know that you are worthy.
According to Dr. Carol Dweck, you can change your mindset from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset. Neuroscience study shows us that the brain continues to develop and change, even as adults. The brain is similar to plastic in that it can be remolded over time, as new neural pathways form. Click the button below to view Developing a Growth Mindset. video.
What is one area in your life that you can challenge yourself with a new experience? I'll go first. I live with Lupus so I am working on introducing deeper holistic health practices. I am making better food and drink choices by eliminating processed foods. As you can imagine, this can be difficult to do at times. I am eating less meat and incorporating more fresh fruit and vegetables. In fact, I have been doing more juicing to help me get enough nutrients. If you are interested, here are some details and 20 tasty juicing and blending recipes.
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Brand Management
Are you ready to (re)design your personal brand to reflect the life that you know you deserve? Let's do it because you're worthy.

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Your brand is the roadmap of your mind, heart, & soul. Be brilliant from the inside out. Stand tall & get what you want in business & life.
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